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July Artist of the Month... Padmavathi Thamvada

July Artist of the Month... Padmavathi Thamvada

Meet our new Artist of the Month... Padmavathi Thamvada @thamvada. Padmavathi has always had an interest in the arts, but it wasn't until 2020 that she fell in love with mandala art. She loves taking inspiration from nature and combining different mediums to create her beautiful intricate pieces. Want to know how to get started or level up your creative hobby? Padmavathi shares some great advice, keep reading to find out...

What is your background and when did your passion for Mandala Art begin?

I have done my masters in Commerce, diploma in Japanese Language and presently I'm persuing Masters in Psychology. I am a homemaker and i was always interested in art and craft related projects.  My art journey wasn’t a planned one, it was during the Pandemic. I stumbled upon the Mandala art form, got introduced to some amazing artists on social media and tried my hands at it . Mandala art started as a hobby to keep myself productive, but soon it turned into my daily routine and made me explore more into it. 

Who / Where do you take your inspiration from?

Nature is my inspiration, be it the intricacy of the nature or the colours of nature, nature is my go to source . From colourful rainbows to warm monochromatic fall leaves, or the cool shades of ocean/sea, nature has always been my inspiration. 

What in your opinion is the hardest and the most rewarding parts of working in a creative industry?

I believe the less we expect for a validation from others, the more we can enjoy the process and that is why I never found it hard . Before creating a new art work I prefer to be away from social media so that I don’t get influenced by the trends or expect on it. Although the art community is such an amazing platform, sometimes we get carried away by the comparisons and expectations of others. Self satisfaction and inner peace being my most rewarding parts being in a creative industry. 

Do you have a favourite style?

SACRED GEOMETRY is my most favourite style. The intricacy and science involved behind it makes me admire this style. I enjoy adding different art mediums like watercolour, inks and acrylics to my mandala illustrations. 

What are the most exciting projects you have worked on and what are you working on at the moment?

I have always enjoyed learning about Sacred Geometry, so art works which have lot of intricate details were proven to be my most exciting projects. Also I try to explore new art mediums and new techniques, the enthusiasm and the curiosity to learn a new thing always excites me . At the moment, I am working on some mandala illustrations with a new medium. 

How does your work relate to your everyday life?

The time which I invest in art is completely a ME TIME, where I just sit back and relax myself and try to enjoy the process after a challenging day managing chores at home. So I just take a pen and paper to doodle or just to make a new pattern, in order to give my mind that relaxing time. 

What are your favourite tools to use?

Being a Mandala artist, Pens/inks/markers/brushpens are my most favourite art tools . 

What would your advice be to people new to the creative industry and any tips on how to get started?

My advice would be to try to be more open to learning from multiple sources and be prepared to embrace the mistakes and work on them, and most importantly, never to compare your progress with anyone and get intimidated.

Like they say: "Every flower blooms in its own time". Give yourself the time and space to grow organically. My tip to anyone who wants to start is PRACTICE, CONSTANT LEARNING . Allot a minimum of 30min to 1hr in a day to learn / practice and JUST ENJOY THE PROCESS. 

To see more of her beautiful work you can follow her @thamvada and remember to follow @manuscriptpenco on social media where we will be showcasing her work throughout the month.

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