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Mindfull Calligraphy with Mandy Wan

Mindfull Calligraphy with Mandy Wan

What is your background and where did your passion for calligraphy come from?

My former background was in Interior Design – designing spaces that are uniquely personal and functional for my clients’ every day living. In addition to interior design, I’ve always enjoyed handwriting inspirational quotes for clients and friends. Naturally, I’ve picked up calligraphy in 2014 as a hobby, taught myself and practiced a lot, and gave birth to Mandy Calligraphy & Design.  

Where do you take your inspiration from?

For the content of my writing, I take inspiration from my experiences, travels, songs, poetry, and motivational people such as entrepreneurs. In terms of the style of my calligraphy, it displays modern characteristics of fine lines with bold strokes where I draw inspiration from my personal style – I’m a minimalist gal! Also, the beauty of modern calligraphy is that as I grow as a Calligrapher, my writing style also changes! 

Mandy Wan portrait

In your opinion, what are the hardest and the most rewarding parts of practicing calligraphy?

Most people might not know this, but calligraphy is more than an art form. Writing calligraphy is a part of life. I find it difficult to write beautifully when my mind is unfocused or feeling stressed. Yet, over the many years of doing calligraphy, I’ve discovered the most wonderful part is to simply start writing, there may be a few ink splatters, but keep writing and therapeutically, calligraphy can calm the troubled-mind.  

Do you have a favourite style?

My favourite font is modern calligraphy. While copperplate is legendary, I enjoy modern writing because it reflects the Calligrapher’s personal style. 

What are the most exciting projects you have worked on and what are you working on at the moment?

Some of the most exciting projects I’ve worked on included: being brand ambassador for Dolce & Gabbana, Shoppers Drug Mart and Manuscript Pen Company by performing calligraphy for PR and promotional events. As an extrovert myself, I absolutely love socializing with customers while customizing gifts/products. It’s the best combination! 

Currently, I’m working on creating more workshops for Mandy Calligraphy, which will be launching in 2019 and enrolment will open during Christmas time! I'm so excited for the New Year where I will be journeying with more people through this wonderful art! You can book your workshops following this link: Mandy's Workshops.

How does your work relate to your everyday life?

As an entrepreneur, wife, calligrapher, workshop teacher and many other roles, my life is pretty hectic. The therapeutic nature of my calligraphy business helps me write mindfully, care for my clients, create purposeful work and ultimately live my everyday life with more intention. 

What are your favourite tools to use?

My favourite tools to use (which are also featured in my photos): the black and gold marble straight pen holder, Leonardt 256 drawing nib, and the acrylic artists black ink – all created by Manuscript Pen Company. The pen is extremely comfortable to hold and the ink flows smoothly off the nib. The 256 drawing nib is both firm and pointed – allowing greater control in creating refined lines, especially suitable for beginners! 

If you could give any advice to those starting out in the art of calligraphy, what would it be?

For all those new to calligraphy, learn from Calligraphers who has been writing for a while because they have lots of knowledge and resources to offer. It will make the beginning process a lot easier! Most importantly, similar to playing a sport or instrument, calligraphy is not about getting it perfect on your first try. It’s about practicing, enjoying the art, and developing your unique style along the way! Join us in this creative journey! 

To find out more about Mandy and and how you can get in touch with her, follow her on Instagram here or visit her website, Mandy's Website. Check out a gallery of her work below. 

Photo Credits:

Mandy's portraits: Jessilynn Wong Photography  

Workshop photos: Shot Life Photography   

Bridal photos: Avenue Photo

Calligraphy work: Mandy Calligraphy & Design

mandy wan dip pen calligraphy   mandy wan dip pen calligraphy   mandy wan dip pen calligraphy

mandy wan table setting   mandy wan wedding calligraphy   mandy wan wedding calligraphy

mandy wan dip pen calligraphy   mandy wan workshop   mandy wan wedding calligraphy

mandy wan workshop   

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